How to choose the perfect engagement ring
Both for those who receive it and for those who give it, it can be interesting to know something more about the engagement ring: rules, history and traditions that will make you understand the hidden meaning behind the most awaited jewel, the one that will lead you to commit to your eternal love and that you will wear next to your wedding ring. Before you even start fantasizing about the day when you will exchange the fateful wedding vows, however, take a few minutes to discover all the curiosities that revolve around this important jewel that is usually given by pronouncing unforgettable love phrases.
What does the engagement ring mean? A bit of history
Already in the Middle Ages, giving and accepting an engagement ring meant establishing a bond: the couple in fact committed to setting a date on which to pronounce their wedding vows. During the Enlightenment, the custom of secret rings took hold which, when divided into several pieces, would later be joined to form the wedding ring. In the same era, the so-called poetry rings which had engraved romantic phrases or poetic verses also came into vogue as a commitment for engagement.
The introduction of the diamond engagement ring dates back to the Victorian period: before then they consisted of simple metal objects. Legend has it that Archduke Maximilian of Austria gave his beloved Mary of Burgundy a gold ring with a brilliant set and from that moment on this type of jewel became the official symbol of the engagement.
And nowadays?
The contemporary tradition of the engagement ring leads to the De Beers family who, world leaders in the diamond trade,��began a massive advertising campaign in 1938. With the help of Hollywood actresses and singers, the giant's advertisements even went so far as to suggest the amount to spend on the ring: a month's salary, which later became two. It was in 1948 that the copywriter Frances Gerety created for De Beers the famous slogan "A diamond is forever"��which contributed significantly to spreading the tradition of the diamond engagement ring throughout the world, even in those countries where it was unknown, such as Japan.
Engagement ring: when giving as a gift
Etiquette requires that the much desired ring be given exactly one year before the wedding date but times have changed and there is no fixed rule in this regard. This doesn't mean you can give the engagement ring as a gift without a marriage proposal! But today this tradition has a less rigid and more romantic role also with regards to timing. Do it only when you are fully convinced of it and perhaps give it as a gift on a special date for you without forgetting that it will take a few months to organize the wedding. In any case, you will decide the wedding day together once the fateful diamond is positioned on your partner's finger!
Where do you put the engagement ring?
The indications vary depending on the country of origin. In Brazil, for example, both spouses wear a ring on their right hand which will be moved to the left on the day of the ceremony. In any case, whether it is the right hand or the left, the ring should always be worn on the ring finger. In ancient times it was in fact believed that this finger was connected to the heart directly by a vein, the "Vena Amoris". In Italy, on the morning of the wedding, before the celebration, the engagement ring should be moved to the ring finger of the right hand to leave free space for the wedding ring on the left. In any case, it is a widespread custom to wear, once married, both rings on the same finger of the left hand.
Make your choice in our catalog
Not sure how to choose the perfect engagement ring? We invite you to discover our collection of engagement rings where you can find different proposals by price range, setting, precious metal, cut and size of the stone.